Barracuda Point, also called Punt'i Piku, is located exactly opposite the channel between Barbara Beach and the Spanish Water. The Spanish Water is a large bay, with several small coves, islands, and harbors, where a number of large houses are located.
This dive includes a drift dive from Barracuda Point to Director's Bay. At the corner of the Spanish Water, the drop-off is located at a depth of 3 meters. A lot of Yellow Finger Coral and large formations of Brain Coral can be found here. The reef slopes down steeply with Star Coral being the usual main reef builder and gradually descends to 15 Meters before descending more steeply.
Large fields of Elk and Hersthoorn coral cover the wide, shallow plateau and offer wide-angle photographers excellent opportunities for beautiful images.
Before participating in this dive, a check dive would first be made.
NAF 240,-
$ 140,-
NAF 260,-
$ 140,-